. Amberville .

The pony villiage of Amberville is awash with activity, and you find yourself caught up in the action right away. You pad your way carefully down the cobble stone pathways, looking in awe at the fine architecture of the buildings, the street entertainment of dancers and singers. As you turn into the town square , you suddenly realise why this place has the name of Amberville. The square has a building stading firm in the centre, with mighty pillars reminicent of antient Greek monuments. Only these pillars were not made from marble but instead, carved out of pure, semi-transparent amber. You feel your jaw drop in amazement. The sun filteres through the amber pillars, casting a warm golden glow on the streets, the coble stones. The glow bounces off buildings, and the whole town is awash with the golden hue of sunset, despite the early hour. This place, you realise with a wide grin, is easily the most beautiful place you have ever stepped foot in.

A number of stores attract your attention. One particular one is only feet from you. A huge white and black sign above the glass proclaims it a pet store, and a little blue foal lays curled up beside the open door. As you approach, she opens her eyes, looks at you, blinks, yawns and drags herself to her feet.
"Hi!" She chirps, obviously pleased to meet someone. "You wanna see the banners and trophies??"

You nod and tell her that you would like to very much, and a wide smile spreads across her lips and she trotts inside the building. You follow her, and look at all the wonderful adopted pets that greet you while she chats to you. Her name, you find out, is Titi.

"Do you wanna see the trophy room?" She pipes up suddenly and you agree with a nod. She frowns. "Er....well...it's a little empty right now. It's new, see, and there's not anything in it...yet," she adds, hopefully. As you walk out with her, you pass a glass gased board with various banners hanging inside it.

"Oh," says Titi, "That's the banner board. Everything we agree with goes up there so others can see and maybe join in their campaigns. Some of them aren't even equine related....they just mean a lot to us and we want people to know about them!"

Where do you want to go today?
(Ye Olde Map, as it were!)

Dream Valley
(Adopt babies, learn to draw MLPs, plus the only online scan of the MLP article in a collectibles magazine)

The Friendship Gardens
(a listing of all the 1998 - 2000 range of My Little Ponies)

The Sparkle Citadel
(The "reality" of the Equine Monarchy)

Mane Street Bullatin Board
(rants, plus my wanted and trade lists)

The Flipside
(the MLP Bad guys, 'official' and my own
- Coming soon!)

(A pony village where you will find awards and banners)

Amberville Museum
(View ponies and pictures of my personal collection)

MLP Database
(A complete list of every known MLP released, compatible with MS Works only.)

MLP Art Studio
(My original  site, basically now just an art gallery)

Alchemy Woods
(where tales of the Vagabond Ponies whisper in the shadows.)

"Equality Among Equines" Head Quartres
(my petition to promote equality among all little ponies)

(What are the vagabond ponies? Where is Alchemy Wood? Why is your ponyland so different from the norm!?)

Webrings and Wonderings
(webrings I'm in, also sign up to join my own "MLP Artists" webring)

Museum of Earthly Delights
(a little bit of information about me)

The Rainbow of Links
(follow it to find other ponyplaces)

Quote Journal
Various quotes and snippits, mainly from my Journals Of Equin stories and other MLP fanfics...

My Little Pony is © Hasbro
All original site content, such as the pictures and text, is © Selena EMA Thomas unless otherwise stated. Do not steal my art without permission!! I am registered with PAIN!!

All views here are my own. This is in no way a reprisentation of the 'official' Hasbro version of "Ponyland", but the way I see it.