. Quote Journal .

The clouds have always been higher than the earth. And the stars have always blanketed a clear night sky. But this doesn't mean they are any greater than the land on which we build our homes and live our lives. Pegasi have always been able to soar through the air and unicorns are honoured that power of vanishing. Earthlings have none of these royalties. They use only their wits and their hooves.

-Raquil, earthling scribe of Ohlandia

Cherries Jubilee lay down on a grassy patch and watched from a distance as her foal played with the other equine children from Dream Valley. The soft breeze danced in her salmon coloured mane, licking her face gently, tickling her peach fur. She squinted in the harsh sunlight of Spring, lowering her head down to the ground beside her, and sighed. Things seemed so calm, now. So safe. What a contrast to the past seven years. She shivered at the recollection despite the warmth of the sun's rays. So unfair, it had all been so very unfair. Her mind went back to that day, so many years ago, when her entire life simply shattered around her, taking lives, leaving nothing but pain and broken hearts. A solitary tear rolled down her cheek. There weren't many left for her to cry. She'd done too much crying. She had promised herself she wouldn't bring back the terrible memories...and had promised herself that she'd never cry again.

But painful memories cut deeper than any knife, and the recollections twisted her chest, grabbed at her heart, shook her entire body. She forced herself to look back up at her playing foal. And there the pain suddenly subsided. Baby Cherries Jubilee. The exact effigy herself. She was her door back into normality. The foal didn't know just how special she was, how important she was, how much she'd helped her mother get through the past years. Cherries Jubilee sniffed back a sob and remembered the past seven years as though they were yesterday, each image so vivid like she'd seen it only hours before.

-From "Why Baby Cherries Jubilee is So Very Special"

In a world identical to our Earth, a war takes place. Human lives are of no importance anymore. Only one thing seems to matter now. Death.

Defeated, the old wizard fell numbley to the ground, his chest heaving in an attempt to grab at air his lungs could not reach. He turned his watery eyes to the sky, to the grey and red clouds that had rolled overhead, to the threatening storm. His limbs were weak now; his time was drawing to an end, as were the lives of every other creature who had the misfortune to have made their homes in this cruel, evil land. He had tried with all his might power and heart to overcome the evil, but science and human technology had overcome magic long, long before. Selfish humans had wanted it all....and they all knew that the planet would not be able to sustain a third world war, yet fight they did.The results had been desasterous, yet foreseen. Weakly, the wizard stood to his feet. I have not been able to save the planet, he thought to himself, but I shall try to help it grow again. His eyes were growing heavy. He glanced around at the few animals who were still alive. Many were weak like himself, fighting for life, fighting a death man had inflicted on them. But one creature ran through the haze, head high, mane flowing in the wind. It whinnied, laughing in the face of death. A creature...Equine....a mere pony....it had tricked man's death machines like no other had.

As the wizard felt life sipping away, the image of the pony remained imbedded in his mind...and he made one final spell. The world would be reborn. It would grow beautiful and strong. But humans will not enter it's realms. They will not hate and destroy as they had done so before. They would be only a myth, a figment of imagination, a flicker in a wise creatures eye, a distant memory of a history that should never have been. The creatures to rule this world would be caring yet strong, loving yet powerful. Equines. Horses and Ponies, Donkies, Mules, Pegasi, Unicorns, creatures of myth alongside those of reality, side by side, together...in peace. The wizard lost his battle with life the moment the spell was finalised.

This world shall be known as Equin.

- The Begining

Moonstone, Sunbeam and Glory, three unicorns from the Old School, were worried. They were some of the older enhabitants of Dream Valley and they knew that Gypsy, though a few years younger, was allowing age to catch up with her just as fast, if not faster, as themselves. They didn't travel the world like she did. In fact, they lead a rather relaxed life in the Valley, where as Gypsy insisted on doing the crazy stuff she should have left behind in her childhood years. This, they knew, was aging the vagabond faster than time ever did.
"She's late." Said Moonstone in the tones of one who was worried but knew there was nothing in her power she could do. She bit her bottom lip.
"She'll be here." Sunbeam nodded. Silence. Then:
"What if she doesn't arive?"
Glory frowned. "She will. She has to."
Moonstone shook her head. "What if she doesn't come. How will we know if she's alright."
"Shhhhhh! The lot of you!" Sunbeam snapped. "I don't like talking about it. If she lives, she'll be here."
The silence lasted for the longest time. But then:
"And what if she's dead?" The solumn question was sounded, and never receieved an answer.

-The Dream Vallians await Gypsy's return

Twist looked up to the boulevard of stars that blanketed the inky black sky above and sighed, the rays of the moon reflecting lightly on her long red mane as it fell over her face. Her sences sharpened at night time, she could hear the whisper of the grasses in the wind, the trickle of the stream as it cascaded against the smooth pebbles, the crickets in the bushes. With another exhasperated sigh, she alowed herself to fall onto the soft, long grass, resting her head low on the ground beside her. There had to be more to life than this? Sure, she loved the peace Dream Valley held, the saftey, the company of her friends and family. But she longed for some adventure, excitement. She wanted something....more. Yet she knew she didn't have it in her to travel with the vagabond Gypsy, the only pony she knew of who had the courage to leave the safe compounds of the Valley.

-Twist starts to get second thoughts about her "dull" life in Dream Valley.

Spike, the resident dragon of Dream Valley, was well awear of this time in the year. True, he'd never been in the company of other dragons, but...something....told him that this was an important part of the year for his reptilian species. Suddenly restless, he climbed to the very top of the highest tower in the castle and gazed out of the window. From there he could see every feature Dream Valley had to offer. The vast forests and the Lavender Lagoon. He could see the school of dance, Lullaby Nursery and the rainbow waterfall. Somewhere, in the very distance, beyond the valley, beyond the forest, there stood Equinna, though he couldn't see it. Equinna, the other chapter to life in Equin. He often wondered what life would be like over there, if they believed in dragons...if they believed in Dream Valley at all. He frowned. Somewhere, inside Spike's reptilian mind, something clicked.

-Spike starts to feel lonely with only equine company

Fresh grass on a Spring morning. The bitter-sweet aroma of the various flowers that dotted the landscape. The chorus of birdsong that filled the air. The water from the lake lapping against the pebbles, smoothed from years of seasons filled with fresh rain. All the senses thrown into action as a new foal was born into the world of Earth. Spring was here at last.

The foal had no name.

-The begining of Equin? An original draft idea that was quickly tossed aside...

A sudden stillness filled the damp air of Spring. Somewhere, far from the charted and pleasent lands of Dream Valley, a foal was born. Born into a world from which she could not excape, born into a land of untrust and cruelty, where she would forever be cast aside and neglected, unable to embrace the love and feeling of worth that comes as standard for many equine babies as they begin a new life so pure and innocent. She would never feel her mothers warm nuzzle, nor hear her fathers soft yet stern voice, commanding her to play safe. She would never frolick with her brothers and sisters, whinney at the wind or chace a butterfly as it danced in the air. These were things forbidden to her. These were things she would never be alowed to see or do.

-Another begining with no middle nor end....